Knock-Off Success
Have you noticed that just about everyone on social media appears to be successful? With a camera, some good lighting, and a catchy...

Playing It Safe...
There are two types of people in this world. Those who take risk and those who play it safe. Don’t get me wrong, playing it safe can lead...

United We Stand...Divided We Fail...
Did you know that there are close to 37,000 separate Christian bodies according to the World Christian database?? 37,000!! Am I the only...

What These Glasses Hide...
Have you ever wondered why Clark Kent hid Superman with glasses? Was he trying to keep his identity safe, OR was he trying to save his...

Faith or Fairytale: What do you Believe?
It seems that fairytales of magical kingdoms and Bible stories with streets made of gold, have become distinguishable only by the...

Snow, Sex, & Silence
Ok..... Lets tackle a subject that most people try to avoid. Let's talk about sex.... I think the winter months make this topic...

You're Not Alone..
Believe it or not, my life is filled with many battles, most of which, will never be seen or heard by most people. Unless you follow me...

Work In Progress...
So today is my birthday and I couldn't be more indifferent about it. I haven't pulled together some new outlook on life, or decided to...

Think Like a Man
WARNING: This is an opinion piece. Saturday, I inadvertently spent 5 hours straight, working on my car. During that time I think I...

Pressure Points
When I was in High School, I use to run the 800m relay. I never was an amazing track star but I worked hard and gave it 110%. I remember...